Saturday, November 15, 2014

The benefits of the pomegranate
Aesthetic benefits of pomegranate:

1. the renewal of skin cells: pomegranate protects the epidermis and dermis by encouraging the renewal of skin cells, and assist in tissue repair and wound healing.

2. Protection from the sun: Provides consuming pomegranate skin compounds that help protect against free radical damage that can be caused by the sun's rays, cancer and sunburn, pomegranate oil contains ellagic acid, an antioxidant that can help to curb the skin tumors to protect the body from cancer the skin.

3. slows aging: pomegranates can help prevent hyperpigmentation spots and fine lines and wrinkles that are often caused by sun damage.

4. The production of young skin: Because pomegranate helps to soften the skin and the production of elastin and collagen additional can make your skin look more taut, smooth and more youthful.

5. Help with dry skin: pomegranate often added to skin care products because it has a molecular structure that can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin to most types and provide additional moisture.

Health benefits of pomegranate :

1. The elimination of free radicals: Pomegranate contains high levels of antioxidants such as polyphenols decomposing it helps minimize the effects of free radicals and remove free radicals from the body.

2-protect the heart and blood vessels: pomegranate juice can serve as a thinner for a blood clot and helps to remove plaque from the arteries that will help to reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries. Can be consumed pomegranate juice helps to lower cholesterol LDL (LDL) cholesterol and increase HDL (beneficial) to improve heart health and reduce the risk of exposure to the problems of the heart and blood vessels.

3. fight cancer: antioxidants in pomegranate effective in clearing some types of cancer, including prostate cancer and chest and skin cancer.

4-improve bone quality: the enzyme inhibitor in pomegranate juice helps prevent cartilage damage. It can also help control erosion of cartilage to prevent osteoporosis.

5-promote digestive Status: pomegranate juice helps the secretion of enzymes with anti-bacterial properties that help digestion and help fight hemorrhoids, nausea, diarrhea, intestinal parasites, and diarrhea. You can also use pomegranate juice as a laxative to treat constipation.

6-increasing appetite: Children who do not have a strong appetite to drink a glass of pomegranate juice to get the appetite stimulant.

7-anemia: Pomegranate contains high amounts of iron to help raise hemoglobin levels in the blood to help anemia.

8-reduce inflammation: high content of vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties in the pomegranate that will help the management of asthma, sore throat, coughing and wheezing.

9-promoting blood circulation: The pomegranate often used to help reduce blood clots, and can help to create a more youthful appearance.

10-help weight loss: people find that pomegranates contain natural feature that gives you extra energy and cleanse the body, making it easier to lose weight.