Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tuna salad and avocado dish is perfect for your diet, easy to prepare, and contains important nutrients for your health while you follow the diet


Large tuna water tray

Avocado sliced

Teaspoon lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

A small spoon of olive oil

Teaspoon balsamic vinegar

1 avocado to provide

Method of Preparation:

1. Place the tuna and avocado and lemon juice and Ahirsém together with a fork. Salt and pepper are doing, and oil and vinegar

2. Aksma bean avocado into two halves and Drain little pulp and peremptory cubes

3. Add the diced avocado mixture of tuna and tuna mixture Abi in avocado halves and feet